Saturday, October 23, 2010

What do butchers look like?
Pink, Purple or White.
Away from the crowds
alone on street
Crawling on the skin
felt underneath
Do they rise in fear
of hidden defeats?
A broken consort
A fickle retreat
Vicious laughter of
duelling tweaks
bottomless doubts
of lingering misery
are akin to reason
on fateful dawns
A mistress lost
to a pawn.
A slaughter that shreds
yet redeems,
History of shards
greedliy breeds;
Blood crafted on
silent screams
is paled
to conceit.

(made with the special help of someone whom i don't want to name for the fear of sending him straight to heaven due to unlimited happiness n recognition after many stupid years of toiling in all the wrong thinks he should have his own blog.)

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